Bride of the Year Finalists 2023
Meet our 2023 Bride of the Year Finalists
Meet our 2023 Finalists in the Bride of the Year Competition . Each month new finalists join these beautiful brides all vying for the Crown of 2023 Bride of the Year. Last entries accepted 31 January 2024. Finals will be online March 2024. We wish all our Bride of the Year Finalists all the best in our competition. | |
Sophie Harrison, from TAS
Lia Roberts-Sox, from SA
Kylie Haraldsson, from QLD
Maddi Perrins, from VIC
Carole Warren, from QLD
Chloe Gunther, from WA
Jessica Hazelgrove, from QLD
Kalina Price, from NT
Maria Cammaroto, from VIC
Samantha-Jayne Sergiacomi, from QLD
Chantal Gravina, from VIC
Olivia McNamara, from VIC
Emily Smith, from WA
Alicia Hodgkiss, from WA
Leah Clark, from TAS
Danielle Filipovic, from NSW
Sarah Millington, from SA
Hayley Parry, from TAS
Nicole Summers, from TAS
Bianca Todd, from SA
Amy Donovan, from WA
Liana Vedovelli, from TAS