With all of the details you need to plan for your wedding such as location, catering and dresses, it is easy to let your own appearance slip through the cracks until the day gets closer. However, this is your special day, and you should be able to walk down the aisle with confidence, looking your absolute best. That means choosing your makeup with care, and preparing ahead of time for the emotional rollercoaster that may require a few touch-ups before you are whisked off on your honeymoon. Here are some helpful tips from True Bride to keep you looking fresh and camera-ready:
1. Prepare for Weather
One of the things that you cannot control on your wedding day is the weather. It may rain or be stifling hot. Choose makeup that is waterproof or water-resistant, especially mascara. No makeup is truly smudge-proof, but you can find makeup that says it is. Smudge-proof makeup is really smudge-resistant, but that will still help if you need to wipe your face on a rainy day.
2. Try It First
There are many reasons to set up a trial session with your makeup artist before your wedding day. First of all, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to anything. No one wants to have an itchy, blotchy, or swollen face when they are at their wedding reception. You can also make sure that you are happy with the makeup colours and style. The third reason is that you can test the durability of the makeup on a long day, because you will be able to see how long it lasts. After all, your wedding day will start hours before the actual wedding, and won’t end until the last minute of your reception.

3. Feedback
Your makeup trial is a great time to offer feedback to your makeup artist as to your likes and dislikes. They have no way of reading your mind, therefore you have to tell them your colour preferences, how dark or light you want the makeup and ask for ideas to look your best on camera. Definitely let them know if you don’t like something!
4. Be Specific
Tell your makeup artist your likes and dislikes. For instance, for eye makeup, some people like their eyeliner on the top and bottom lid, and some people never wear eyeliner. Your artist may have suggestions for your makeup and you can test them out when you meet for your makeup trial. However, just because the artist is the expert doesn’t mean that you can’t get exactly what you want. They are working for you, and it is your wedding.
5. Bring Touch-Ups
Part of planning is bringing touch-ups with you. Lipstick, foundation and powder are the essentials. You may want to bring a water mister to spray on your face to refresh yourself without redoing your makeup. If you think that you will be shedding many tears that day, bring eyeliner and mascara too. If you are ready for anything, you will relax with your family and friends at the party instead of worrying. Another trick is to pack a washcloth in a plastic bag, then take it out and dampen it during the day to cool down your neck and chest. Place it in the plastic bag afterwards to keep your makeup bag dry.